Despite three days of randomly changing precipitation (snow, sleet, freezing rain, slush, DEATH RAIN) there wasn't much traffic en route to my 3 day in a row venture at The Webster Theater in Hartford.
Today however was a bit more hectic with increased security, and more lax band crew (i.e. groupie hunters).
About 30 minutes before Snoop took the stage, about 50 people were pulling one another into the photo pit area - basically the groupies pulled their friends, who pulled their friends, who pulled their friends... and that area became a freaking disaster.
So when Snoop came on I was in a photo pit that would have been large for three photographers (which there were three, including myself) but VERY small with the ladies dancing in the photo pit, and their friends dancing, in the photo pit..
I had to overshoot a bit because I was getting alot of hands in my shoots from the girls dancing in front of me... needless to say they werent very kind in terms of not being in my shots, etc.
Anyway, the lighting was pretty solid, for the most part there was a white front light with some green and purple backs and side lights
his mic not only had a mic shield with his name on it (in diamonds, obviously) but his mic also had his name in diamonds just below the mic screen... AMAAAAAZING
check it out - i made sure to put up shots of them
everything was shot iso 400 - f2.8 - at a 90th - 180th
5 unedited photos below