anyway - todays shoot was with two of my favorite people on earth! Draven and Bella - both of which i've shot before - Bella about 5 times now, something like that.
Because Bella is localish - and Draven is from.. not local, I was doing about 70% Draven 10% Bella and 20% together
The idea was to start shooting at noon but we didnt start til about 2 or 3 - which ruled cause for some reason I had alot going on that morning *shrug*
Anyway - So we were going to shoot a bit more of what we had already shot - starting in studio then working a bunch of outside and on location stuff. BUT unfortunatly due to time restrictions, we did not get to shoot outdoors and only hit one spot on location. buuuut we will be shooting again in august! so.. YEAY! i love working with bella and with draven so im always pumped to shoot with em
So we started in studio with an awesome outfit Bella brought - doing a sort of fetish/dom type of shoot. What I did for this was shot with 2 split 3x4 softboxes on profoto compact 300s but - i tilted the boxes to a bit of a diamond shape - points out horizontal (see the set up shot to see what i mean) - I shot these first with the 70-200 but wanted to really get a wider looking shot so i jumped to the 24-70 and shot at the lower end. - settings were ISO125 F16 at a 160th

After shooting that, I did a set with Bella wearing an awesome dress - I shot first with split lighting - same as above - but obviously the soft boxes were turned to be vertical. - then i shot them with a beauty dish boomed high at 50% power - those were at F18 which is the perfect exposure for the face area while the forehead may go about 1/4-1/2th a stop over - but the shadow(s) fall gradually below the skirt - which i thought was better than the split lighting for that dress

After shooting Bella, I did a bunch of goth/industrial stuff with Draven. These were split lighting - F16 - shot with the 70-200 at a 160th

At one point she was modeling with chains and I thought a really cool prespective shot - wide angle - would look nifty - but it just looks like I have a pet Draven - which isnt the worst pet to have by any means - but not entirely what i was going for in that shot haha.

Then because of time running out QUICKLY - instead of shooting some on location and outdoor fine art stuff we jumped to corpse paint because obviously as of now thats the most pressing stuff im shooting
We started in studio again with the split lighting - I did solos of each then shots of them together - which - this is my second time doing this and i think this time around it worked better then i could have imagined just because Bella and Draven work REALLY well together and have worked both together, and with me before so it was AWESOME

After shooting with split lighting we did some with the overhead beauty dish (same settings as before)

We went into the basement with two umbrellas and shot in one spot that Ive shot a bunch before but I shot from an angle I havent shot before - so if it looks somewhat familiar - thats why.
These were shot at F14 at a 160th - the shadows were a bit harsher then I had hoped for - but I can fix that in post when I actually edit them

After finishing up we did a shot with the two of them and myself - figured it may be a cool "about the author shot" for the book - unless i do a group shoot or corpse paint on myself. haha.

Cant wait to do more shoots with both of them - Draven and Bella are the best!
OH! how do you guys like the new logo? dig it?
totally rad.