Setting this shoot up was a bit difficult now with Vincent living in NY, and DL having a full time night job, but luckily, we were able to make it happen in a pinch!
It was a very humid and some what hot - and VERY buggy.
We started in studio I used two rims at 50% power pointed toward their backs - I had those up a touch about head level - and boomed a 3x4 soft box above them horizontal at 75% - all profoto compact 300s
I was using the 70-200 and 24-70 shooting at ISO100 - F14 - at a 160th - we did some serious and some fun shots along with solos - even some with vincents dog coco - unedited images below

after shooting with triangular lighting I moved on to just a boomed beauty dish - for these shots i was shooting at F18 - as the lighting is hard lighting rather than soft - I really like the look this type of lighting gives me - which is why ive been using it some what often - unedited images below

After finishing studio stuff - we went outside with three jackrabbit uni400 dynalites - two with cold tone umbrellas - and one with a beauty dish.
The first set we actually did outside - I used natural light - i jumped my iso to 800 and shot at 2.8 with the 24-70. I figured the green would be soft enough to give solid seperation with out overpowering them - unedited images below

The next set we did was on the hill in the sun and it just turned out to be way too buggy and brutal - so we moved to a more wooded area - which also had a small imperial fleet of bugs. - for these I used two umbrellas for side lighting - i turned them on and off during this set - and used a boomed beauty dish up high for a main - i shot this at a 200th at F14 - ISO100 - unedited images below

the buggy hill

next spot we hit was next to a creepy shed which was also loaded with the swarm of death. - for this i did the same but much closer - used two umbrellas split - a boomed beauty main - and i loved the outcome here - i jumped the speed down to a 100th to get in some natural light - i wasnt really worried about getting motion as the lighting locked that in nicely - unedited images below

the last set we did was just a few feet away in the open parking lot - i figured the sky looked decent - i figured id use it - so i put my speed up to a 160th-200th and shot with two umbrellas and the boomed beauty dish. - unedited images below

We finished up in the same location with solos of vincent while the other dudes were purposefully in the background making fun of him - which i thought worked well for these dudes - unedited images below

a very quick yet successful shot - the photos had to be fed-exed within an hour of completing this shoot - and they made it! the spread will be out soon and will look KILLER! im stoked we got to do this because I always want my friends to look the best as they possibly can - and i was told by their team - that the photos that WOULD have been used are horrid - which in turn would make for a bad spread.
so big ups to the guys for making it out on such short notice - and to scott and leah for making it happen!
i love being from western mass - we have the best people and the best bands here.
im glad we shot when we did - as i was leaving the sky opened up and didnt stop pouring all day/night
I really like that you posted a lighting setup shot in this, it helps to visualized just what you're talking about. Do that more often, please!