Winter kills me, especially December and January when there are barely any shows, so i tend to load up with model shoots all in studio - sooo expect to see a bunch of it.
SO! being that it was one of her first times in front of the camera, and shes never shot with me, I figured we would break in a few sets with a more lingerie type feel.
I shot these with 2 3x4 profoto softboxes as split lighting, and placed the model about a half of a foot behind them so there would be slightly harsher shadows.
I shot this with the Canon 1ds Mark 2 with the 70-200 which seems to be the best in studio lens for me - i like being telephoto with zoom so i can crop in super tight or back up and still get a full body shot with out getting off the paper and getting environment in it - these are F16 at a 125th ISO 100

Next it was time for corpse paint! - I wanted these to be very very slightly brighter for the first set, so i brought the lights in about 3 inches each, and angled them slightly toward the model, but kept the same settings - generally with corpse paint you lose a stop exposing for the paint, but i just left it the same and the exposures are pretty much identical with the prior set save for slightly more highlights in this one.

For the last set of corpse paint shots I boomed my mid size dish, but this time didnt raise it up as high as it could go, as i often do. I raised it about 3/4ths of what i could do - i knew her super blonde hair would just reflect light, so I wanted to bank on that and really get it to glow.
I positioned her around the rim of the dish so no harsh shadows would fall on her face - and posed her accordingly. For these i jumped up to F20 - check it

It was awesome getting to have a photographer be a model for a photographer, hopefully we will be working together again in the near future.