I was shooting somewhat standard stuff for a german publisher (the fashion/lingerie style nudes) and the corpse paint stuff.
as of now, im going to be posting MUCH less of the corpse paint stuff here - cause you gotta get pumped to get the book to see everything!
I started with two 3x4 softboxes shooting F14 at a 160th - with the 70-200 on the canon 1ds m2
with split soft lighting, the trick is to never have the subject hit shadow in the middle - because that makes for an incredibly boring and mundane image. I'll always have the model turning in toward either light, and if i want a head on direct shot ill have them turn toward a light and ill take a few steps in that direction to set it straight on
keep in mind its always easier to move a model, and move yourself, than to move two lights with soft boxes on them - and thats not about being lazy - its about knowing the limits of your gear. knowing how far is too far left or right, how much light is too much, etc.
anyway - here are the photos

After shooting split I brought up a beauty dish pointed down - and shot at F18 under similar settings... with a boomed dish pointed down you always want to remember the light fall out will fade fast around stomach/waist line, and the models face will have to be turns toward the light to avoid harsh shadows on their face. - check the shots

next up was corpse paint, again, im only going to post very few - the lighting is the same as above, as this was just a quick shoot, but im sure we will be shooting again in the near future

It was great getting to finally work with a good friend on this project, im hoping we shoot again before summer hits so we can get some cool on location shots for the book as well!
nice work man. awesome contrast.