She got a new wig she wanted to shoot in which I thought looked wicked cartoon/anime - I used the same set up of setting two 3x4 soft boxes about 8 feet apart so there would be no real harsh shadows - and had her face toward the light for most of the shoot so one light would be hitting the hair while the other would be catching her face and eyes. - These are at F13 with the 70-200is - iso100

After shooting with the soft boxes - i took a smaller beauty dish - boomed it but kept it close to the model rather than raising it all the way up - then shot at F8 for some reason i can even remember - i was probably just experimenting with the lower Fstop to see if theres a big difference between my normal F18-20 to F8 on this type of lighting - and no - not much of a major difference aside from minor depth of field focus -anyway - here it is!

so being that this was just a quick shoot - we just did this one set with plans to shoot again in the future - but alas - my schedule got hectic and she done moved to arizona - so hopefully one day she will be back to shoot again!
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