Day 1
We started shooting with the fashion/fetgoth stuff with split lighting (two 3x4 soft boxes pointed toward each other - background centered) - shooting at F14 with the 70-200 lens.- she didnt have much for really goth wear or anything like that so we sort of used whatever she had with her - and then a tie that was actually used by a day to remember in our first shoot back in the day.

Before starting in on corpse paint - I boomed a dish from above - and shot at F14 two quick shots of her with the tie before moving onto corpse paint

We started with in studio corpse paint shots, shooting with a few different types of lighting - the shot im going to post from it is with directional split lighting - meaning the soft boxes arent directly set middle with the model - i had her take a step back then lean in to get lighting more lighting on the facepaint while turning the boxes into her a bit more - so there would be less shadow in the middle. What I noticed with facepaint is you have to hit it with more light than skin in order to get it to really pop out - because it doesnt reflect light the same way. so I will often have the models looking at the light - facing it - etc.

Next we shot a bunch of on location stuff around the studio building using 2 lights - a boom dish and a bare parabolic - just to keep it simple - I did a bunch of regular, dark, creepy shots as normal - but then I wanted to roll with something different to finish it off. So I used the dish - didnt boom it - just pointed it at about a 70 degree angle toward the model while placing a bare parabolic specifically for glare - to get a - shooting into the light type of feel. these were witht he 24-70 at F13 - as i wanted the light behind her not to completely blow out the brights and i wanted her to be a bit faded in the glare but not dark. - anyway - peep it!

and that was the end of day one!
Day Two!
So for the second day we just did two quick shots for the heck of it - we played around with this pink... weird non-sticky stuff (its not tape) I found at home depot - and then with some caution tape - also found at home depot. never underestimate the power of finding random crap to use for a photoshoot almost anywhere!
SO! with the pink tape - this is shot with the 24-70 as i wanted to get some more interesting angles for this - its shot at f13 - at iso100 - with split lighting but this time i put them a bit further out to get a wider spread of light - so normally its right on the background about 3-4 feet apart - this time i did about 7-8 feet apart
We set it to cover her up - but i wanted her to really pull the tape - give it more of a shape then just a model standing there in a tape bikini type of thing - anyway, have a look!

Next up it was time to do something similar with caution tape - which can sometimes be super cliche but whatever - its cool to change things up a bit or even do something cliche every now and again
I started with a boomed dish for two quick darker photos at F14 - shot these with the 70-200

I switched over to the 24-70 for the split light shots but again - I shot these with the lights a bit further apart than normal. which caused - more than anything - the shadows to get softer - which I thought looked better in these shots.

So that was the end of day two - because im posting this ohhh two months after the shoot - we had shot again since - and ill be posting that soon as well - so keep your eyes open for that
She is just beautiful :)