We were shooting more of the fasion/gothfetish stuff before going into corpse paint
This stuff is kind of like catalog shooting, the lighting generally remains the same, while the model changes poses and clothes, pretty simple.
This is shot with two 3x4 soft boxes in split lighting - I shot these at F8 to get more of a depth of field than my normal F14-16 - but still at ISO100 at a 160th - using the 70-200 IS on the canon mark 2 1ds
when shooting with split lighting its really important not to have the subject be straight centered or the shadow will be dead center across their face and body - you want to really use the split and the shadow to highlight different things such as bring out faces, curves, clothing, whatever you are shooting - one thing i do often is have their body turned to one light with their face toward the other to really give a good fall in and fall out of light
anyway - heres some photos!

Next up we did in studio corpse paint - and as i said before - I wont be posting alot of the corpse paint photos on here anymore because why would anyone get a book if they could get the images here? right? - so heres a few - and judging from my past shoots - can you match the lighting with the shoot? - one is a boomed beauty dish shot at F18 - another is Triangular lighting - two rims/front facing dish at F14 - another is split lighting like above - can you tell which is which? :)

After finishing up in studio - we went on to shooting corpse paint outside - it was getting dark so i was shooting closer to iso400-800 at f2.8 - as the sun faded and the widn was blowing making it extra cold - but shes a trooper and we got what we could - again - only going to post a couple photos from this for now..

It was awesome finally getting to work with Cam again - hopefully we will shoot again in the near future!
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