Alana is working on a pop/dubstep type of thing and wanted some shots to go with it. Now, I would love to get her in studio to do a shoot, but obviously that cant happen amidst a metal festival - and shooting a female in a band wearing less then fully dressed clothing amongst a swarm of metal dudes - is also difficult - but alas - it was to be done!
Because I wanted to do a bit more with this shoot, than with some of the others today - I knew I would have to take breaks between shooting to run inside and shoot a band on stage.
Anyway, we started in the parking lot I boomed a dish to her right (camera left) and turned it in a bit toward her - at an angle so the lighting would be more directional than just from above - and I wanted to make these shots super dark with little saturation other than the clear dark blue sky (which was actually bright blue. but I shot at a higher speed to make it go darker) - the settings were F18 at a 200th - ISO100

After these quick shots I had to run in to shoot the next band while my assistant and alana waited for me to get out to the next set.
The next spot we shot in I wanted to shoot in two very different ways. for one - lighting from above to get the darker, more contrasty, with more concentration on the face and shadows - this is shot at F18 at a 200th - now - these are in straight up broad daylight - by shooting at a high fstop and speed I was able to give it a nighttime feel - which is what i was going for - for the first set here

For the second set - I wanted to go with something bright - poppy - pretty much the opposite of what I had just shot. So pointed the dish directly at her and used the bare parabolic camera left - to her right - up about a foot above her head - pointed down to her creating a minor lens flare - these are shot at F14 at a 160th - and as you can see with just a minor change you can get a completely different look.

Next I wanted to shoot some shots of her low to the ground - so i set up the boomed dish way low for a couple shots - these are shot at F18 - i liked what i was getting but I wanted something a little bit different

SO! I boomed the dish so i could get it low and pointed it directly to her - but keeping the same settings - ran inside to shoot the next band - came back out and finished the shoot here. I went with a bunch of different crops - close up - far - off center - etc. as I was posing her we did some really cool shots of her contorted to look like she was wearing nothing but boots! eep!

It was awesome getting to shoot with Alana again - I wanna get her in the studio in the near future so we can do some really cool industrial - fashion looking stuff
hopefully sometime before the end of the year itll happen!
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