They were about to hit the studio to record a new record, so they were ready for some new promos to use for the next cycle.
It was nice enough outside where we were able to shoot outdoors, even though it was extremely windy.
The first set we did was against the sky, I purposefully shot at a higher speed (200th) so the sky would go darker and closer to grey rather than a bright blue. I shot this with a boomed dish pointed slightly angled toward the band with a bare parabolic pointed down toward me to create some leading lines for the full body shots. - I tend to use the 24-70 now as my main on location lens - its the perfect middle of the road lens, not too wide, not too telephoto, its perfect, probably the best zoom 2.8 portrait lens out there for shooting outside of a studio. I shot these at F14

We also did a full crew shot here with Rico and Mike in the same spot

After shooting that spot we moved to a little corner where you could see alot of the studio building behind them, and did just a couple shots with the dish pointed straight at them shot at a 10th to really bleed in the fading natural light behind them with out blurring out the shot with movement.

the next set we did was in front of a large metal garage door - I started the shoot with a dish boomed above them but angled to their right (my left) to go for a VERY dark, very contrasty shot, but again i put a bare parabolic behind them pointed down for full shot leading lines... now the reason i do that, is so their legs dont turn into a blob of darkness, it cuts up the photo a bit and makes it more interesting, and not only that, but it separates the horizontal from the vertical images - making them look different. These were shot at F14 at a 200th ISO100

With out even moving the band I turned the lights off and did a few shots at F2.8 using natural light to give it a different look entirely, you cant even tell its the same spot, and shooting at 24 wide, it gives a great natural vignette, which i love in these shots.

Last group shot we did was against a grated metal panel wall that seems to go up forEVER which is great for headspace in horizontal shots. These were also shot natural light at 2.8 - I wanted to do something brighter for this shot, while giving them ample headroom for logo/text room.

The next shot I did was for David, who needed an endorsement shot for fender. It took me about 3 tries to get this lighting balanced the way i wanted it to be, I brought a dish up high, slightly camera right - and used a main parabolic set high to put a halo of light around the cab/head - then I shot these at a 30th to bleed in the natural light, and get the sky in there.

next we hit the studio - they were all thirsty - so i let them all grab a Monster, as the great people at Monster are kind enough to supply my studio with enough energy for the bands to get though any shoot in any weather :)

For the studio shots, I shot on white paper, and used a dish boomed pointed more toward the band rather than down, and then shot at F16 for the last few shots.

All in all it was an excellent shoot, we got a bunch of different stuff to use, with different looks, for all sorts of different outlets. if you check their facebook, website, twitter, etc. all now have different images from this shoot.
Excellent working with these guys, and hopefully we will get to work together again in the near future.
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